Stash Bustin'
I am making a real effort to clean out the yarn storage and get rid of all the the stuff I am pretty sure I will never, ever use. The only problem with that is I might use it! If I get rid of something now, I might realize a month from now that I really, really needed that after all! So, rather than 'get rid of', I am 'making use of'. Now, please understand that this will be a long-range project and do not expect instant miracles. There's some goode stuff in that back room and some of it begs to be knitted as soon as it's dug out of a pile. Case in point:
I think it's acryllic, maybe. Probably. But it is definitely green. I did it with the knitting loom I found while cleaning out. Start to finish-about 2 hours. Not even a whole ball of bulky wieght yarn. So I haven't got very far down the path to cleaning or organizing the stash, but I have a new baby hat finished. And a little yarn used up. And I re-discovered that set of knitting looms I don't remember buying.