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Sam Knits

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Weekday Knitting-or not

Not that I'm a slacker when it comes to knitting, but as disappointing as my weekend knit time was, weekdays are so much worse. There has been progress, just not so much that you'd say "Oh my, why you're almost done with that whatwereyouknitting!" But I did make myself take a picture so that I can note my lack of progress and shame myself into sticking with this one project to completion. near completion. a few more inches. a little.

Okay, I'll make an honest effort not to start anything else until it's done. Well, geez, if you have to be picky about it, YES, I did make a guage swatch for a Kepler sweater this evening, but it's not like I'm actually going to start on it-cables aren't my thing. Not because I have anything against cables, they really look neat, I just don't have the whatever you need to be able to do cables ( and I don't mean cable needles either). Oh, I may have a brief fling with an old project that I'd like to see finished before cool weather, but it'll pass. Afterall, it's just a sleeveless shell, and this is Birch. How can acrylic and cotton compare to my beloved (at the moment) alpaca? And a plain straight stitch over tedious lace? No, of course not. Well, not for long anyway, I mean how long could a sleeveless sweater take anyway? Right, and I'm already planning my next shawl. I've got to get a handle on this. Chosen yarn for next Birch patterned shawl? Alpaca of course!

Monday, August 29, 2005

High Expectations

Maybe my knitting ambitions were a tad high for the weekend. I really thought I'd have more time for that. It's just not as easy as you would think to knit really well with a two-almost-three-year-old in your lap. How soon do you think I could teach her to knit? (inset gratuitous photo of aforementioned two-almost-three-year-old) Oh, come on, who wouldn't scrap some well laid-out plans for some snuggle time? I only have about ten or eleven more years before she hates me and stays locked in her room on the telephone all weekend anyway.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bad Picture of Good (decent) Yarn

This is some handspun merino I had hanging around the house. It was alot of fun to spin and the dye job was beautiful! Sadly, it is not a photogenic yarn-a bit shy maybe. But I took it outside, inside, it just could not be pleased. As punishment, it is being knit into a plain garter-stitch scarf.

The colors really just don't show up like they should here. The teal looks grey, and the fuschia kind of turned maroon-ish. Blah! Still, it is yet more photographic evidence that I AM knitting on some things (however slow it may be).
Later today, I plan to work on a baby cardigan that has been in progress since about one day after a certain family member revealed that they are expecting. Man! Isn't it fortunate that those things take nine months to make! Yeah, granted the tiny cardi may take longer than that, but I'm knitting it in a bigger size, so it should still fit by the youngster's second birthday. (I hope)

Friday, August 26, 2005

Getting the Hang of This? Hardly.

See? I told you there were pictures of real knitting. Okay, so there's ONE picture. But that's a start. That is the famous Birch in KSH Liquer. And it's August in Louisiana and I think I'll have a heatstroke if I have to touch mohair again before November. But there's still Misti Alpaca Lace! Maybe we'll do some more KidSilk when the weather cools off, for now, I'm pretty content with the alpaca. And maybe I'll get a good photo of the progress on that in the next couple of days. Maybe.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

New to Blogging (as if you couldn't tell)

I'm trying to decide if I like e-Blogger or the MSN version better. I definitely think E-Blogger has a better help and reference section. So we'll see.

Maybe blogging about knitting will help me get motivated-and who couldn't use a little motivation every now and then? I've certainly learned alot knit-wise from other blogs I read although, the knit-blog reading kind of knocks you off the 'no new yarn' wagon. There's always some pretty new pattern or yarn that you 'just gotta try'. KidSilk Haze and Birch seem to be the latest habit floating around the 'net. Yup, I jumped right on that. Sick isn't it? So now that I'm completely addicted to the pattern, I plan to sell an organ to fund the purchase of more KSH (thank you good folks at Rowan). Actually, I'm trying this next one in Misti Alpaca Lace. We'll see how that works out, I like it so far though, and I just love thinking about the cute little alpaca that was denuded for my knitting pleasure. Awwww! And maybe one day soon there will even be pictoral evidence of this alleged knitting activity.